How can juice cleansing supercharge your health?

by Alex Auger, 14/12/2023

We are experts in juice cleansing & detox and  the Rebels at our juicery are on hand to help you to make the most of your cleanse. Let’s dive into … Read More

We are experts in juice cleansing & detox and  the Rebels at our juicery are on hand to help you to make the most of your cleanse. Let’s dive into how our approach to cleansing can supercharge your health.

  1. Unleash your Weight Loss Warrior

Juice cleansing is like hitting the reset button for your digestion. It clears out any toxicity going into your body and pumps in the good stuff from freshly pressed fruit & vegetables, herbs and nuts. At Rebel Kitchen, we count the calories, so that you don’t have to and leaves you to focus on giving your body some TLC. Most people find that they lose some weight during their cleanse, but many continue to see results after their cleanse period. This is because we see our cleanses as a launchpad to kick-start a whole new healthier lifestyle. Your body and your mindset towards food adjusts and allows for healthier choices. This makes cleansing a total game-changer when it comes to losing weight in a sustainable way.

  1. Gut Health Guru

Your gut is a star player in your overall health and that’s why it is so important to take care of it. Cleansing gives your digestive system a well-deserved break: it removes foods that feed harmful bacteria and cause inflammation and introduces plenty of prebiotic foods which feed beneficial bacteria. During your cleanse you will also be encouraged to keep up healthy practices like getting plenty of rest, light exercise and staying hydrated. This makes a juice cleanse an ideal reset for any gut related issues.

  1. Energy on Overdrive

Maintaining balanced blood sugar is the key to keeping your energy levels from roller-coastering. Juicing allows you to hit the reset button on your energy levels and helps stop that sluggish feeling, allowing you to feel rejuvenated and full of energy.

Rebel tip: Cleansing can help if you are on a journey to cut back on caffeine – we suggest switching out your usual caffeine intake for a green tea instead!

  1. Immunity Unlocked

We think of our juices as immunity elixirs. Our juices are loaded with Organic, fresh fruits and vegetables which we cold-press to keep all of the nutrients in. This makes them a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and cleansing allows for an easy way to get more of these into your body to efficiently boost your defensive system.

  1. Battle Inflammation

Juice cleansing cuts out highly-refined and processed foods, alcohol and dairy and instead gives your body an abundance of vitamins and antioxidants. Your juices act as a repair squad, giving your body the time to repair damaged cells and tissue and all the extra TLC it deserves.

Rebel tip: If your goal is to reduce inflammation check out our juices which contain ginger such as our Ginger Lemonade, leafy greens as found in our Fresh Green or our Vanilla Almond Nut Mylk which is packed with almonds.

  1. Skin that Glows from Within

Glowing skin is linked to a healthy gut through a diverse diet. Our cleanses help to kick-start the process for quick and effective results due to being packed full of a variety of goodness. Cleansing also promotes keeping hydrated with moisture in the skin improving elasticity for that healthy glow.

Rebel tip: Remember to keep hydrated during and following your cleanse. Check out our post-cleanse recipes here to maintain a healthy variety in your diet for longer lasting results.